Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall Cleanup

It was a beautiful weekend, sunny and just he right temp for working out in the garden.  It was that time of the year to try and fix the mistakes I made!  I moved about 5 perennials and removed an ornamental grass that had gotten WAY too big for the space.  Luckily, a garden club buddy had the perfect place for it...feels good to know that it's getting a good home.

I still have some things in the backyard to do and maybe I'll get to that this weekend.  I'm going down my list and checking off all the things I know must get done before winter.  It's a "plan" - I have been working on it for weeks!

...of course I know I'll be out there digging things up and moving them in the Spring because the "plan" is never really complete, is it?  If it was, that would take all the fun out of it!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Annual Boxwood Tree Sale

It's that time of the year again!
The Garden Club will be selling beautiful boxwood trees to benefit the work we do at the VNA gardens in Basking Ridge.  Check out the order form for all the details and choices.
I promise you that you will NOT find a nicer boxwood tree anywhere...order your trees for the holidays!